Monday, August 9, 2010

The Squeaky Shoe Saga

So... For the longest time, I have wanted to turn my child into a human chew toy :) Not really, but I have wanted to get my Logan some squeaky shoes... As annoying as they can be. Every craft boutique I have found and looked at, has had them but not in the size I need for him.
So last Thursday, I was shopping with my sister and her kids and my mom... We walked past the squeaky shoes and I had to stop to see if there were any in his size. There was one size 5 left. We tried them on Logan and you should have seen his face lite up when he realized what his feet could do... Nicole then decided that she should try them on her little one. He took one step in them and sat down sobbing and crying, desperately trying to get them off. She decided that he was so cute in them that she would get them anyway. I decided to get a different style since I already had one like it.
The shoes she took to the register to buy were literally the ONLY size 5 in the store... :( To make matters worse, when we got back to grammy Nana's home and went to put nephew down to bed, we looked up to see my little tot sitting on the fireplace with his cousin's squeaky shoes trying to get his shoes off and put the others on. Auntie Coley was nice enough to let him walk around in them for a while but we eventually had to take them off of him.
I then decided to make it my mission over the weekend, to find squeaky shoes. I went all over northern utah making phone calls to try to find these shoes... No squeaky shoes in his size.
Got on Facebook and asked if anyone knew where I could find these squeaky shoes. I was directed (after some comments as to how crazy I am for wanting those) to a place that sells them online. I was stoked because she lives in farmington... I ordered these cute camo shoes and they were to my house by Saturday...
WRONG SIZE!!!! The shoes that I ordered run small and I couldn't fit his cute chubby foot into them. So the VERY disappointed mommy gets online and gets in touch with an awesome shoe distributor and she was able to get me another pair. (not of the same ones, though)
Anyway.... Long story short, Life has been restored to the Sadler residence. Our life is complete because we have SQUEAKY SHOES!!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chocolate?... I THINK NOT!!!!!

So, this morning, I started teaching lessons at 7. Isaac woke up early so I put him down to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. (It's his new favorite) I started to hear Logan move around a bit at like 7:40 and I had 20 minutes left of the lesson. So I decided that he could spend the 20 minutes in his bed and when I switched lessons, I would get him up and give him his breakfast. So at 8, I say goodbye to my two students and start to head back to the boys' room. I open the door to the worst smell and I start to say "Oh Logan! You made a poo poo!" I only got to the the "you made" when I saw his face. It was COVERED in poo. His entire left side of his face, legs, arms, blanky, bed, sheets, pillow, and other blanket was SMEARED. To make things worse, He had coated his binky with a lovely layer of poo and was in the process of sucking on it... I know! TOTALLY GROSSSSSSSSS!
So I panicked! I had two students on their way to receive their lesson. I pulled him into the bathroom and looked at the disaster I had to clean up... I don't know how I did it. I put him in the bath-tub and as I turned on the water, my student came in. I had her start to work on her scales while I gave poop-head a bath. It was spectacular!!!!! It was super Ironic because just an hour before this happened I told myself "Self, This is going to be a good day. I declare it so!"
As famously quoted by a very wise man (my Dad)

"I have always maintained (and always will), that it takes a very strong stomach to be a parent.

Fear not -- into the fray!!!!

Tomorrow will be a better day."

And tomorrow will be a better day! I declare it so!!! ;)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Boys and their Games.

I don't know what I was thinking, going bowling with the boys. But the day before Logan's birthday, we thought it would be fun to take them bowling. And sure, the boys loved it, but I got CREAMED! It's a pretty big blow to your ego when your 3 year old can out bowl you. We actually had a lot of fun. Logan was thrilled until we actually got bowling and then it was too noisy and he insisted on being in one of our arms at all times. Isaac loved it! He keeps begging to go back but we haven't had the time.

As you can see, Isaac's ball is rolling pretty straight down the center... and that is him doing the happy dance after he hit the pins. Rubbing it in to mommy that his score is better than hers.

And this is our awesome score... Eric is the 90, Isaac's is the 75, and what's that you see?!?! Yes, that's right. That is my awesome score! The incredible 47. If this were golf, I so would have won... smile.

Monday, June 21, 2010

And now to play catch up... Logan's first birthday

Logan was CRAZY about the balloons.
Since his nickname is "Monkey", we went with a monkey theme.
You can't see it but the walls are covered with Vinyl monkey faces and polka dots...

We had to wake Logan up for his party. He wasn't quite ready but this picture is priceless

My awesome friend made these cakes for me. The banana is his smash cake.

Logan LOVED his toys... and to this day, he is still loving them.
I, however, would like to thank the person that gave him that extremely noisy lawn mower!
And this is seriously the messiest he ever got with his smash cake. So unlike his older brother!
We had an awesome time with wonderful family!

Bad Blogger!!!

I have come to the realization that I am a BAD BLOGGER!!!!! I vow to do better...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Isaac was so cute this year because his little pre-school class had a great Valentines day party and he was so excited to take his valentines. We had to make 15 of them plus 3 for the teachers. We ordered them from Stampin' Up and they had awesome little robots on them and they folded into the coolest little pouches that we sealed in Starbursts and Skittles with a heart sticker. I helped write his name on them and he continued to sign it his own way. At some point during the process of making these valentines, I received a phone call and got a little behind on my end of the process. He acted a little exasperated and jumped ahead of me and was finished with his part of making them before I was off the phone. I really enjoyed the time spent with my little one making these...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Child... the Hamster.

I have a Yoga ball that I like to teach on... by sitting and balancing on the ball, I get stronger abs and I work my core muscles. My youngest urchin, has claimed this ball as his own. He gets rather upset with me when I'm sitting on it and will squeal with anger until I let him have it. He will spend hours at a time pushing this ball around the house. My oldest has just recently discovered that it's a lot of fun to bounce this gargantuan ball off of his younger brothers forehead... We've had many long talks and timeouts with this one...
Anyway... what used to be my teaching yoga ball has turned into my "hamsters" running wheel...
What's mine is theirs...