So last Thursday, I was shopping with my sister and her kids and my mom... We walked past the squeaky shoes and I had to stop to see if there were any in his size. There was one size 5 left. We tried them on Logan and you should have seen his face lite up when he realized what his feet could do... Nicole then decided that she should try them on her little one. He took one step in them and sat down sobbing and crying, desperately trying to get them off. She decided that he was so cute in them that she would get them anyway. I decided to get a different style since I already had one like it.
The shoes she took to the register to buy were literally the ONLY size 5 in the store... :( To make matters worse, when we got back to grammy Nana's home and went to put nephew down to bed, we looked up to see my little tot sitting on the fireplace with his cousin's squeaky shoes trying to get his shoes off and put the others on. Auntie Coley was nice enough to let him walk around in them for a while but we eventually had to take them off of him.
I then decided to make it my mission over the weekend, to find squeaky shoes. I went all over northern utah making phone calls to try to find these shoes... No squeaky shoes in his size.
Got on Facebook and asked if anyone knew where I could find these squeaky shoes. I was directed (after some comments as to how crazy I am for wanting those) to a place that sells them online. I was stoked because she lives in farmington... I ordered these cute camo shoes and they were to my house by Saturday...
WRONG SIZE!!!! The shoes that I ordered run small and I couldn't fit his cute chubby foot into them. So the VERY disappointed mommy gets online and gets in touch with an awesome shoe distributor and she was able to get me another pair. (not of the same ones, though)
Anyway.... Long story short, Life has been restored to the Sadler residence. Our life is complete because we have SQUEAKY SHOES!!!!