Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Sick!

Logan is 6 weeks old now and has his 1st illness. It's been a lot of fun :) It started on Sunday when we were at my parents house for conference. My dad was holding Logan and said "I think he sounds a little congested." I told him that he usually sounds like that and continued with the day. On our way home I started to worry about it. You see, I'm terrified of him getting RSV. As the night progressed, he started to sound like he was drowning in his own snot. At 1 in the morning Eric and I decided that we needed to get him in to Wee Care. So I left my warm house and traveled to Layton so he could be seen by a doctor. He just told me it was a cold and gave us some saline for the nose. As the night turned to day, his snot started to become FLOURESCENT yellow~! YIKES. I didn't know what to do... So my sweet mother came down to help me. We took him back to the instacare and there they discovered he has an ear infection in both ears. We got some antibiotics and he has turned around. He still sounds a little congested but not like it was. I don't know what I would have done without my mom... She was a HUGE help and things are starting to look up.

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