2 years ago
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Is there life.... After Potty Training?
This is the weekend. I think we are going to do it! We are going to potty train Isaac. I'm pretty scared and I have nooo clue what I'm doing. We've gone to the library and checked out Once Upon a Potty on dvd for him and we are currently in the process of learning the potty song... Pretty intense :) We also bought the Elmo's potty dvd. He seems to like them. Then we went and bought some dinosaur training pants. He's totally stoked! So this morning, Isaac sneeks into our downstairs bathroom to hide to go poo-poo. I thought "Hey this is a GREAT opportunity to have a positive experience." HA! A lot I know!!!! So I take him by the hand to lead him upstairs to the pottty. We take off the diaper and sit him down. We read books, look at a toy he really wants that is promised to him if he poo-poo's in the potty, and sing songs. After about 7 minutes he looks at me and tells me he's done. So I go and get a diaper to put on and when I come back, he's standing over by the tub and says "The floor is wet." Sure enough he felt the floor was a much better place to go "wee-wee". This is going to be a FUN weekend... Any suggestions... Anyone? Anyone want to get paid to do this for me? NO? Just wondering... I'll keep you updated...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day Fun...
We had a great Memorial day. We had a lot of fun but we also got a lot of house work done. Saturday we went to a brunch at the golden corral with Eric's grandma. It was nice to see and visit with Eric's family... We don't get to visit much.
After brunch, we went up and visited Grandma Sparrow's grave. I didn't get very much time to know this special lady. She was so wonderful and welcoming. She loved every one of her children, grand children, and great grand children. She had so much love for all of us and I feel so honored to get to know her.
Isaac got a new swing set this weekend and Saturday morning he was up by 6:30 wanting to go out and play. He had an awesome weekend!
On Monday we went up to Soda Springs where there is the world's Largest Man-Made Guyser there!!!! This is where my Grandfather was laid to rest. It's a tradition that we all get together and decorate his grave and then we have a picnic at the park next to the cemetary. This is a picture of Isaac and his cousin Karter they just got done running like crazy through the grass. As we traveled back home through some pretty awesome rain-storms, Eric and I decided that we don't know that much about my grandpa DeWin... We get together because it means a lot to grandma Nea and my mother, but I would like to know more about grandpa. My mother is the youngest in her family and therefore we are the youngest cousins and grand-children. I have very few memories of my grandpa since he died when I was about 4 years old. And my youngest sister has no idea what a great man he really was... I think I need to make it a goal to become more acquainted with his memory and try to get to know him better.
Anyway... Fun was had by all!

After brunch, we went up and visited Grandma Sparrow's grave. I didn't get very much time to know this special lady. She was so wonderful and welcoming. She loved every one of her children, grand children, and great grand children. She had so much love for all of us and I feel so honored to get to know her.
Isaac got a new swing set this weekend and Saturday morning he was up by 6:30 wanting to go out and play. He had an awesome weekend!
On Monday we went up to Soda Springs where there is the world's Largest Man-Made Guyser there!!!! This is where my Grandfather was laid to rest. It's a tradition that we all get together and decorate his grave and then we have a picnic at the park next to the cemetary. This is a picture of Isaac and his cousin Karter they just got done running like crazy through the grass. As we traveled back home through some pretty awesome rain-storms, Eric and I decided that we don't know that much about my grandpa DeWin... We get together because it means a lot to grandma Nea and my mother, but I would like to know more about grandpa. My mother is the youngest in her family and therefore we are the youngest cousins and grand-children. I have very few memories of my grandpa since he died when I was about 4 years old. And my youngest sister has no idea what a great man he really was... I think I need to make it a goal to become more acquainted with his memory and try to get to know him better.
Anyway... Fun was had by all!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Testing Day!!!
Today my handsome husband is down in Draper taking a 4 hour grueling test. He's taking the GMAT. Not my idea of a fun day off. He had to take work off so he could take this test. It's one step closer to getting back to grad school. I am so proud of him and I love him very much... Best of luck Eric!!!! We will be cheering you on at home...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Saga Continues...
So... Last night, Eric goes upstairs to check on Isaac and he hears Isaac in there grunting. Eric asks Isaac what he's doing and why he's grunting. He looks at dad and says "it's hard!" He was trying to get the shell off of the turtle with the binky in it. The shell is actually a backpack that is velcroed on. So Eric helps him take off the shell. Isaac turns the turtle around and starts to look for an entrance inside the turtle to get the binky out. Eric tells Isaac that the binky still can't come out. He eventually went to sleep...
Isaac also had his first nap yesterday since we put the binky away. I was really worried because I need him to sleep so I can teach. I put him down at 2 and he stayed in there and played. At 2:30 he comes out of his room and says "Wanna Wock." (rock in the rocking chair) I was in the process of feeding Logan so it was not possible to "wock" him. So back to bed he went. I started to teach at 3:30 and he had not gone to sleep yet. All of a sudden I hear the door knob being hit and Isaac starts to complain. Now, Isaac has known how to open doors for at least a year now so I was a little confused as to what was going on. I excused myself from my lesson and walked back. I opened the door and his room smelled of lovely mandarin oranges. He was completely slimed with my mandarin orange lotion. He looked at me and said "I scrubbed myself, mommy" I couldn't help but laugh! I finished rubbing the lotion in and put him back to bed. He cried for about 5 minutes and then fell fast asleep.
He has never had the need to find things to do in his room during his nap because he has just loved sleeping with his binky. Now that his binky has gone to live in Mr. Binx, he has become VERY creative with his nap/sleep time :)
Isaac also had his first nap yesterday since we put the binky away. I was really worried because I need him to sleep so I can teach. I put him down at 2 and he stayed in there and played. At 2:30 he comes out of his room and says "Wanna Wock." (rock in the rocking chair) I was in the process of feeding Logan so it was not possible to "wock" him. So back to bed he went. I started to teach at 3:30 and he had not gone to sleep yet. All of a sudden I hear the door knob being hit and Isaac starts to complain. Now, Isaac has known how to open doors for at least a year now so I was a little confused as to what was going on. I excused myself from my lesson and walked back. I opened the door and his room smelled of lovely mandarin oranges. He was completely slimed with my mandarin orange lotion. He looked at me and said "I scrubbed myself, mommy" I couldn't help but laugh! I finished rubbing the lotion in and put him back to bed. He cried for about 5 minutes and then fell fast asleep.
He has never had the need to find things to do in his room during his nap because he has just loved sleeping with his binky. Now that his binky has gone to live in Mr. Binx, he has become VERY creative with his nap/sleep time :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
No binky?!?!?!?!

It has been an interesting weekend. Eric and I decided that Isaac was old enough to put the binky away. I have heard of many ways to do this but I wanted to make it a special day for him. So we got up early in the morning and went to Jeremiah's for breakfast. We ordered him a chocolate chip pancake... I don't know why we do this because he only takes one bite of it and then spends the rest of the time eating the fruit. The fruit this time was Watermelon and he ate at least 2 huge pieces. We had to ask the waitress for more. Anyway... Then we boarded the train to ride down to Salt Lake.We hopped on trax and rode to the gateway. On the way down, we explained to Isaac what we were doing with his binky... He looked at us and said "I ride the train!!!!!" We went to build a bear and let him pick out a turtle to put the Binky in. We then named him Mr. Binx. He was doing fine until it came time for bed. He looked at dad and said "Where's Binky?" Eric told him that he was in Mr. Binx and that was where he was living now. He cried but fell asleep anyway. He woke up 3 times that night crying so hard. Eric was very sad... He didn't want to get rid of the binky. But it was time, right? He's adjusting... He only woke up one time last night and cried... We're improving.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The zoo... on a hill.

Friday, May 8th, we decided to take Isaac and Logan to the zoo. So it's been like 17 years since I've been to the zoo... and apparently its built on a hill. We had a great time though. Logan was a good boy and Isaac had a blast.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's day

Yesterday was mother's day. I just want to share with you my feelings about being a mom. I think I'm the luckiest person alive to have such sweet wonderful boys. It is so rewarding to be able to comfort them when they are crying and to have my cute little 2 month look at me and grin great big with his cute dimples. Nothing is more special than my 2 year old son leaning into my ear and whispering "I lus you, mom." I love my job of being a mom... It is one of the 2 best things I have done in my life... The other was marrying my sweet husband.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Bumbo...

Today we went to find a Bumbo... I wanted one of these when we had Isaac but never got around to getting one. So me and my boys ventured out on a journey to find one. Of course Walmart was out so we traveled to Target. Isaac was pretty excited... He keeps saying "I like the bumbo." Here are some cute pics of Logan in them... We are still a little young. He's having trouble keeping his head up. But check out those dimples!!!!
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