Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is there life.... After Potty Training?

This is the weekend. I think we are going to do it! We are going to potty train Isaac. I'm pretty scared and I have nooo clue what I'm doing. We've gone to the library and checked out Once Upon a Potty on dvd for him and we are currently in the process of learning the potty song... Pretty intense :) We also bought the Elmo's potty dvd. He seems to like them. Then we went and bought some dinosaur training pants. He's totally stoked! So this morning, Isaac sneeks into our downstairs bathroom to hide to go poo-poo. I thought "Hey this is a GREAT opportunity to have a positive experience." HA! A lot I know!!!! So I take him by the hand to lead him upstairs to the pottty. We take off the diaper and sit him down. We read books, look at a toy he really wants that is promised to him if he poo-poo's in the potty, and sing songs. After about 7 minutes he looks at me and tells me he's done. So I go and get a diaper to put on and when I come back, he's standing over by the tub and says "The floor is wet." Sure enough he felt the floor was a much better place to go "wee-wee". This is going to be a FUN weekend... Any suggestions... Anyone? Anyone want to get paid to do this for me? NO? Just wondering... I'll keep you updated...

1 comment:

  1. Noelle!! I didn't know you had a blog! You're mom mentioned it at church today. I'm glad to find it :) I'm hoping that you have had great success with the Potty Training - It is a tough time...yet, can be fun. Good Luck. I'll be checkin in ;)
