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My son is hilarious! He doesn't like to eat anything new... So, in the past, we have been eating regular dinner and making him chicken nuggets, peanut butter sandwich, or mac and cheese. I'm getting tired of doing that and we don't eat together when we do it. He is to the point where he won't even try the food sitting in front of him. So he can't get down from the table until he has at least 2 or 3 bites.
Last night we had the Bear Creek cream of potato soup and homemade bread. I loved it and so did Eric. But of course Isaac won't try it. He ate his bread, but no soup. So we looked at him and said he couldn't watch Cartoon Transformers until he had his 2 bites. So he stalls.... "I drink my milk first." "I eat my bread first." My favorite was.... "I scratch my bumb first." No kidding! Then he scratches his bumb and looks at me and says: "Ok... As good as new!"
We burst out laughing! We couldn't hold it in... Where did that come from? "As good as new!" I think he's quite the character. Needless to say, Eric had to threaten that he was going downstairs without Isaac. I helped him eat his 2 bites to which he gagged on. He'll learn to eat what we eat... eventually :) (Of course after the bumb has been restored to "as good as new")
There is the cutest little girl that lives directly south of us... We share a fence with her and if any
have ever seen Monster's Inc. she looks quite a bit like Boo from that show. Cute brown hair in pig-tails, big eyes and the cutest little voice. For the longest time, Isaac would see them come out to play in their back yard and he would walk over to the fence and watch her play. And probably for about 6 months or maybe even more, he has remembered her in his prayers at night. He has called her "goyl" that's girl with a little Jersey accent :) "And please bless goyl!"
He has finally learned her name is Ryan. So the other day, Eric was out heating up the grill for dinner and Isaac was out with him. Eric said "go say hi to Ryan." Isaac goes down the stairs and stands at the gate and Ryan comes over to say hi. They both stand there watching each other and you can hear Ryan talking to him. After about 3 minutes of just standing there, Isaac comes back up the stairs and looks at Eric and says, "I no can talk to Ryan. I'm sick!" And turns and walks inside. He wasn't sick... Maybe love sick :) He must have gotten nervous when approached by this cute girl... Butterflies.
This picture was taken on July 5th. We were at a family reunion and he was playing sword fights with Karter and Grandpa great when he got hit in the face with a stick. I think the picture is classic :)
A week ago my teeth decide that they have had enough! So I'm forced into the dentist to have him drill, poke, and prod at my teeth. I don't do well with this. So he numbs me and leaves. When he comes back I think to myself. My teeth don't feel as numb as they did last time. Sure enough, he starts to drill and I can feel it! (There is nothing worse!) After an hour and a half of this misery, I finally drive back to Layton to pick up my sweet little children. Isaac decided that he didn't want to leave Karters house and I was half tempted to let him live there... I'm sure Nicole isn't quite ready to have 3 kids. So I haul out the little ones to the car and drive like a mad man to get them out to grandpa running's house. Of course, Little Logan is in the back seat SCREAMING to the top of his lungs cuz he hates the car. I drop Isaac off and head up to teach at Weber. I teach for an hour, head back out to Plain City (Where grandpa running lives) to pick up Isaac... I stay and visit for about 1/2 hour so Isaac can play a little more and of course when it comes time to leave, he gives me fits. By this time the numbness has completely worn off and my teeth are pounding. Isaac is screaming because he doesn't want to leave, Logan is screaming because he is once again in that car. I rush home and realize I desperately need a break. So I put Logan down for a nap and take Isaac downstairs where it's cooler. Our house is at 82 degrees because our swamp needed to be cleaned. Anyway, after about 20 minutes, Logan decides he his hungry. I make his bottle and trot downstairs to feed him. As soon as I sit down and put the bottle in his mouth, Isaac looks at me and says, "uh-oh, There's pee-pee in my unner-wear." I put the bottle down and haul both screaming Logan and Isaac up the stairs and I make Isaac go pee-pee. Now, we are still trying to get this poo- poo thing down. I told him he needed to go while he was sitting there because he hasn't gone for days. He refused. So I picked up a screaming Logan and went back downstairs with both boys... I hadn't had Logan up to the bottle for more than 30 seconds when Isaac goes running upstairs to grab his blankie and run back downstairs. I looked at him and asked if he needed to go poo-poo. He started screaming and crying and saying "No like to go poo-poo." This is not a normal response to this question. So I put the bottle back down and walk over to see what has happened, and sure enough, there is a little bump in his "unner-wear". Back upstairs I go to put down an even more hysterical Logan, who truly believes that he is never going to get to eat. Isaac refused to come upstairs, so I had to go downstairs and drag him up by his armpits. As I assessed the situation, I decided that the little poop was going to fall and needed a place to do it. So I grabbed a plastic bag an put it under him. I was doing great! It plopped down right where I needed it to. Now all I needed to do was get him on the potty. As I helped him off with his unnerwear, everything went in slow motion... Isaac lowered his foot right into that log of poop! I don't know if it was the stress of the day, the throbbing in the side of my head, or the screaming child in the next rooom, or the fact that my house was 82 degrees but I lost it. I let out a pretty good scream which scared my little Isaac. He was crying pretty hard before but when that eeked out of me, he was even worse. As I was cleaning up poop in the cracks of my little boys toes, he was gagging. I thought I was going to have to clean up vomit as well. I was able to stop the hysterics and love him better. But he was not getting off that potty until he had gone poo-poo. I went in the other room, grabbed starving, screaming, wasting-away-to-nothing Logan and went out to the rocker to feed him. As I held my little baby I cried. I had lost my temper at my toddler because of something I shouldn't have. It was a build up of a lot of things. I'm sure later that evening he had gotten over it, but I'm sure I will forever have that little tot sitting on the toilet, sobbing and crying, forever burned into my brain....
Not one of my prouder moments...
HOORAY!!!!!! Congratulations Eric! Eric got accepted to Weber's MBA Program... We got the letter last night and he opened it and read the first line to me. It told him he was in... Then he went upstairs and started to play with the boys and light the grill for dinner. Good thing I take an interest in his life. I grabbed the letter and continued to read. Because of his "outstanding" GMAT scores, they told him he can apply for a scholarship that would cover anywhere from $2000-$5000 a semester. That would be SUCH a huge help! I am so proud of him and can't wait to begin this journey with him in the fall.