Tuesday, July 21, 2009

.... As Good As New...

My son is hilarious! He doesn't like to eat anything new... So, in the past, we have been eating regular dinner and making him chicken nuggets, peanut butter sandwich, or mac and cheese. I'm getting tired of doing that and we don't eat together when we do it. He is to the point where he won't even try the food sitting in front of him. So he can't get down from the table until he has at least 2 or 3 bites.
Last night we had the Bear Creek cream of potato soup and homemade bread. I loved it and so did Eric. But of course Isaac won't try it. He ate his bread, but no soup. So we looked at him and said he couldn't watch Cartoon Transformers until he had his 2 bites. So he stalls.... "I drink my milk first." "I eat my bread first." My favorite was.... "I scratch my bumb first." No kidding! Then he scratches his bumb and looks at me and says: "Ok... As good as new!"
We burst out laughing! We couldn't hold it in... Where did that come from? "As good as new!" I think he's quite the character. Needless to say, Eric had to threaten that he was going downstairs without Isaac. I helped him eat his 2 bites to which he gagged on. He'll learn to eat what we eat... eventually :) (Of course after the bumb has been restored to "as good as new")


  1. Too, too funny!! That is such a riot! I love the things that kids come up with. What a cutie :)

    Good luck with the food stuggle. Because of Addyson's allergies we use to cook something different for her too. Once she outgrew most of them, I started feeding her what we ate. It took a lot of work, but now she is a good eater. Stay strong...he'll se surprised one of these days and love the new food!

  2. Oh i love that little boy!!! AS GOOD AS NEW!!
