Monday, March 30, 2009

Sleep, baby, sleep!!!!

I start teaching again this week. I'm doing make-up group lessons and also I get to go back up to Weber to teach. So I thought this would be a good week to let Logan fall asleep in his cradle. The sweet little guy thinks that he can't go to sleep unless he has been rocked for a good 20 minutes in our arms. (And they say you can't spoil a newborn!) So being a new week... I fed him, changed his diaper, and waited until his eyes started to get droopy. Then I went and placed him gently in his cradle. He started to grunt and has been screaming for the last hour. He will settle down and then remember why he was upset to begin with. I walked upstairs just about 15 minutes ago and he had finally gone to the sleepy land.

Special Day.

I haven't posted for a while. I've been pretty busy. Anyway... yesterday was Logan's baby blessing. It was a neat day for us. Our church is at 9 in the morning so it was hard to get everything ready before we left. And can I say that getting 2 boys ready for church is a whole other ball game. I had to start at 6 AM. Eric gave a beautiful blessing. After the meeting we all headed back in the HUGE snow storm and got ready for our brunch. We had a breakfast quiche and lots of other yummy breakfast goodness. Logan was an angel the whole day. He slept while he was passed around to our family to hold.Isaac even got to play with Karter. It was a perfect day!
Here is Logan wearing his blessing outfit and Isaac peeking around to see his sleeping baby brother.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh!!!! POOH!!!

I was so excited yesterday because I actually got to go play in Brigham. We had a lovely day... I went and got my hair cut and then we got a bite to eat at wingers. We then went to walmart and picked up mom's pictures of Logan and the rest of the boys so she can scrapbook them at the expo. (SOOOO excited!) When we got back to mom's house, we just visited for awhile. Then Nicole and mom had to teach and I ventured downstairs to read my Kindle and hang out with Logan. I went to change Logan's bumb on mom's ottoman, with a blanket under him, and as I started to take his diaper off, he started to toot. I though, "I'd better hurry because I don't want to get pooped on." Sure enough as I was speedily wiping his but, He shot poop out and covered me with it!!!!!! It was like a great big poopy guyser! I was shocked. It got all over mom's cushion, my shirt, my pants, and even my phone... I cleaned it up but my poor dad had to steam clean the cushion. Needless to say... I have never had that happen before! Not even with Isaac. We still love Logan though.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tired boys.

Tomorrow's my birthday and my sweet sister told me she would tend my boys so I could go out with my husband and celebrate. Logan slept all day while Nicole held him and Isaac played so hard with Karter. They did yard work and spent the majority of the afternoon running around. On the way home, Isaac crashed hard in the back seat and when Eric carried him in, he wanted to lay on the couch and continue to rest. Clearly, Logan was still zonked.

Mr. Buble...

So my sweet little boy turns from Dr. Jekyl to Mr. Hyde when we are changing his bottom or giving him his nightly rub-down. It's a thrill :) But yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to turn on Michael Buble since my ipod was right next to him. He sat and just stared into space during the whole rub-down. He listened to Michael and loved every moment of it. I thought it might have been a coincidence, so I tried it again today... Sure enough, he loved it again. I had to take pics of it because he was being so stinking cute!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bath Time...

Logan's stub finally fell off and we had our first bath a couple of days ago. Of course, you always have to have the pics...
He LOVED it!!!! He just sat in there and soaked. I guess it felt like home to him. However, when I got him out, he screamed until he stopped breathing... 3 times!!!! He really let me have it. He's got quite the temper for a 3 week old. You still gotta love him :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Playin' Playdough...

So Eric went back to work yesterday for the first time since Logan was born. I can honestly tell you that I was quite nervous to take care of both of my boys by myself. In fact I had a tough time holding things together when Eric left at 6:00 AM. However, I think it went pretty smoothe... I had enough time to take care of Logan and still play with Isaac...
One of the things Isaac and I did while Logan was sleeping was playing with playdough. He loved it and we talked about colors and counted the sharks that he cut out of the playdough.
He loved it so much that when the Bishopric came over last night to see how we were doing, the playdough bag was the first thing that Isaac showed them. (He then proceded to show the rest of his toys to them and show them how fast he can run!!!)
It was a life-saver. We played with it for an hour and a half.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blog newborn...

So I figured I'd better join the world of bloggers... I'll figure it out eventually.