Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School.

My Captain Wisefellow is growing up.... I have to admit , this stings just a little.
Yesterday was his first day of Kindergarten. I remember from the time he could talk, he would stare out the window and wait everyday for the bus to go buy. I would then have to explain to him that he was just a little too young and when he turned 5, he could ride the school bus.... That day came yesterday.

Monday night, as I am pulling into my driveway, I realize I have no school supplies for him. I have pregnancy brain and I'm struggling to remember things.

Tuesday morning, we get up and make a mad dash to Walmart and then to great cuts to get his hair cut. (Good thing he has afternoon kindergarten!!!)

And of course we had to take the back to school pictures... I could be a mom, but I think he looks pretty awesome!

And in true tradition, the night before we went back to school we had Eric give both my little ones a fathers blessing. This is something my father did for his children every year and I am so grateful I have a wonderful husband who can continue to do this for our little ones.... It is such a HUGE comfort to them as it was for me growing up.

I think I held together pretty well... We were all super excited, but as he got on that bus, and the doors closed, I got teary-eyed. I can't believe how fast they grow... and according to my mom, it just continues to get faster.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


From the time I started thinking of my family and what I wanted for my children, I promised myself that I would provide them opportunities so they could gain confidence and a love for many things. That includes sports.... With my incredible lack of sports talent, I seriously thought I would pass that down to my little ones.
This last weekend we had Isaacs 1st soccer game. It was unbelievably hot! 98 degrees at 1:00 PM. We took our sports umbrella and set it up and sent our little one out to bake in the sun.
The game started and we watched and I started to realize something... My little one was pretty good! I know we aren't supposed to keep track, but his team won 4-1 and my Isaac scored 3 out of the 4 points!!!!
I was very surprised and I was super excited...

My Annual Post...

I'm a HUGE slacker. I should try to go back and update for the last year. Too much has happened, so that won't be happening. However, I am going to do my best to keep up with my little blog this year... It's a new school year and I am making it a resolution of mine :)